Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011


Sasirangan located on Jalan Kampung Seberang Kelurahan Kampung Melayu Mosque, since 2010 has become one of the attractions of fabric and craft souvenirs sasirangan fashion. The establishment of village sasirangan by Banjarmasin City Government Tourism Office aims to facilitate this means of guidance to buyers as well as small and medium micro enterprises.

Cain Sasirangan

Sasirangan fabric originates from or is believed to cure for people affected by a disease (pamintaan). The fabric is worn on ceremonial tribal area of ​​Banjar. Sasirangan fabric is shaped Laung (headband), kekamban (veil) and tapih bumin (sarong). As the dyes extracted from natural coloring ingredients such as ginger, banana trees water, pandan leaves etc..

According to history around the twelfth century until the XIV century in the kingdom Dipa, in South Kalimantan have been known to the public kind of batik clothing Calapan called Cain who became known as the Cain Sasirangan.

According to folklore or sahibul saga, the first sasirangan fabric that is made ​​when the duke of Gastric Mangkurat be imprisoned for 40 days and 40 nights on the raft balarut banyu. Towards the end of his meditation raft duke arrived in the town of Rantau Bagantung. He saw a pile of foam and froth terdengan of the voice of a woman, she is Princess Bubble lord who would become king in this Banua. But he had come to the surface if the conditions are fulfilled requested, namely a Batung palace which was completed in a day and can be completed daily fabric is woven and dyed by 40 dicalap or daughters with a motive wadi / padiwaringin. That fabric Calapan / sasirangan which was first created.

By combining the original motives that one with the other original motive, then the cloth fabric sasirangan more attractive and modern looking addition motifs are modified so as to create motifs that are very beautiful but not abandon his trademark. As for the style or motif, known among others, Kembang Kacang, Waves Sinapur Coral, Star Bahambur, Dayang Down, Leaves Jaruju, Kangkung Kaombakan, Bark, Sarigading, Parada and others.

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